Saturday, October 12, 2013


At this point there were few things are very clear that federalists John Adams Washington Hamilton were trying to aligned the country with British empire through jay treaty and getting back the western forts and ending threats of war .But Jefferson Madison and their fellow republicans were favoring the efforts to continue with French-American alliance, the one was being formed during the war of independence. Passing the Jay treaty was big victory over republican’s .Which also broadened the divisions between both groups. In my view both groups were right on their move, Jeffersonian had their lesson with British imperialistic colonization and the long war of independence so they didn’t want to go near Britain and trust them. Federalists knew that newly United States weak economy only can get back to life if we can recommence our relations after independence with British Empire who was largest and strongest at the time. In this political battle republicans went too far, that they even attacked Washington with their political dirt by calling him king and traitor. I don’t think Washington deserved to be treated like this, who united the people of United States and didn’t greed for the presidency but still took it to keep united the all states.    

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