Monday, October 21, 2013

Capital of United States

  The future location of the nation’s capital and how the debts of 13 states will be managed was handled deftly by Jefferson, and saved the weak union. The deal Jefferson brokered was Hamilton can forward his economic plan and federalists gets to choose capital’s location, even though Jefferson never liked the Hamilton economic vision but convinced that “a mutual sacrifice…was the duty of everyone” and they named the capital “Washington” after president name. Now in the process of designing the new capital and public buildings everyone has their own point of view but Washington view that capital has to reflect   government and its power, and the capital supposed to be designed accordingly, so he envisaged a huge city plan of 5000 acres. And Jefferson plan was to be small size city which would reflect us as republic not as authoritarian empire. Because of huge plan and lack of funds, Washington plan was never finished in his life ,even after him people who opposed the large scale city plan from the beginning although didn’t tried to stop but never had interest either. As soon Jefferson became the president he tried to downsized the original L 'Enfant's plan as much possible but not as quite and geared up the project. Jefferson and Washington both did not had any kind of biasness toward each other on nation’s capital design project, these founding fathers had their own perspective for the future of nation’s capital.

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